Cheat Pet Society // Spawn Trophy Cheat [ May 2011 ]


  •  Download required files [download] //  wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 

  • Fiddler -> Download

  • Firefox/Chrome

  •        *click SKIPAD at the right corner to continue download..

    1. Download Database from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out.
    2. Open fiddler and replace action.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
    3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
    4. Now just go into your Chest/Inventory, close the chest and you will see the different gold trophies spawning. Have fun :)
    Dont be greedy. Spawning items are dangerous so dont spawn too many.

    Source: PWNTHIS.NET

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